Me-Made Rainbow

This year MMM has unfolded into a fun personal challenge: instead of sewing new things, I looked for inspiration from the myriad homemade items that I wear on the regular and realized I could put together a handmade rainbow. I decided to wear my me-mades more or less in rainbow order, and I used the hashtag #sewmyownrainbow to gather them all up.

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The long-awaited Washi update is here! I'm beyond thrilled to announce that our beloved Washi dress & top sewing pattern is now available in our extended size range, and with new bodice pieces for fuller busts.

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How to blend sizes for Rose

Many of you have asked about how to blend sizes for Rose, particularly if you fall into two different hip and waist sizes on the size chart. Here are a few ideas for how to blend between two different sizes in the hip and waist!

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sewalongRae Hoekstrarose
Get ready for a Rose Sewalong!

Spring is usually a time when I’m inundated with sewing energy, but personally, I need a bit of sewing motivation right now, and I’m guessing some of you do, too. I’ve got two sets of already-cut-just-waiting-to-sew Rose pant pieces that are currently beckoning from my to-sew pile, so while we work behind the scenes to finish up our Washi pattern update, I thought it would be fun to have a Rose sewalong!

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Knitted things

We’ve been kicking the kids outside every day while we #stayhome, which has been utterly essential to our/my sanity. Though winter is technically over, here in Michigan we still get bouts of very cold weather well into late April, so these knitted items have all been worn quite a lot in the past few weeks.

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