Made: Homemade Baby Food
This happens to be so ridiculously easy that even I can do it. AND it almost qualifies as cooking. Ha!These are sweet potato and applesauce baby purees. I used instructions from to produce a week's supply. Both happen to be a staple now in our house as they are both things which Elliot will reliably wolf down without coaxing.
A few issues of concern: I'm not sure which type of plastic the ice-cube tray I'm using is made of. Recently I've turned the laser-eye on all of the plastics in our house to try and get rid of ones that leach plasticizers, but it's difficult when things aren't labeled. I know it's probably best just to toss them and buy BPA-free trays like these. Sigh. Another issue: Is it safe to wash baby food jars and use them to store frozen purees in? As I currently have a readership of zero, I'm guessing my comments section won't fill up with answers and suggestions. Oh well.
In other get-excited-about-puree news, I'm really looking forward to reading this recipe book by Jessica Seinfeld:It's on my Christmas list.