My old JCrew shirt = Newborn Hat and Pants!
** Disclaimer: I have actually started sewing a leetle-leetle bit, but I would like to stress that these past couple of projects were sewn BEFORE Clementine arrived a couple weeks ago. Please know that I spend most of my time nursing and napping. And then maybe eating ice cream. OK, and reading blogs. The last thing I want to do is give any new mothers (or anyone, for that matter) out there a complex about their lack of productivity. I also should mention that Mr Rae is on like a month of paternity leave/vacation, which is totally wonderful and a luxury not all new moms have for which I am very very thankful. Right now he is downstairs playing video games while Clementine sleeps on his chest. And I just came back to this post after a starting it a couple days ago and realized that last sentence was still true. Hee. **This was Clementine's coming-home outfit:I made the hat and pants from an old JCrew shirt that was too short and tight and had a white collar too nasty to thrift. I keep forgetting to take before pics of my refurb projects. Here's a pic of the shirt after I cut the arms off for the pant legs:
I really just guessed at the length of the pants and it turns out they're too long, but whatevs, it's not like she's walking yet, right? Hahaheehee, all of the sudden that struck me as really funny. (Hormones.)
The hat was made with this pattern from Martha Stewart.
I enlarged the pattern so that it was 7 inches across, and made two, one for the lining and one for the outside, adding a 1/4" seam allowance to the bottom edge. The flower on top is just a circle that I serged all around and then pulled it's center through the top of the hat seam and sewed in place. Easy peasy!
I love this expression. So funny. That's how I looked most of my teen years. She seemed peeved that she had to leave the hospital. And who could blame her?