Handmade hand-me-downs: Oliver+S PJs
Oliver + S Pajamas
Usually the things I make and post on my blog are brand sparkly new, fresh off the sewing machine, photographed, and then posted for you to see, and for me to look back and remember later. But lately many of handmade things I made for Elliot in the earlier days of this blog have been reappearing as they now fit Hugo, years later still proving their value. The things that were made well (admittedly not all of them) have lasted many washes, and though most have stains and others have been tossed, it gives me so much joy to see these old friends again. Not only because of the memories they bring back to me of little Elliot, but because it confirms for me why — even though they grow out of them so quickly — it is worth it to sew clothes for my kids. The time and toil it takes to make these things is sewn up into a garment that holds the love and thoughts you had for that child as you made it, a blessing of sorts, that then surrounds them as they wear it. And while buying my kid’s clothing is easier and almost always cheaper, especially when I consider my time, it is not the same. I was probably harried and overwhelmed when I made these little pajamas, home with a toddler Elliot and baby Clementine all day every day, but I’m still so very glad I found patches time to make them. Even more so because I absolutely remember how therapeutic sewing was for me back then.
You might recognize the pajamas that Hugo is wearing in these photos as one of Liesl Gibson’s earliest Oliver+S sewing patterns, the Bedtime Story Pajamas. I’ve learned many wonderful tips and techniques from Liesl’s patterns, including this one. It’s elegantly simple in design, and so cute. I made this little set for Elliot back in 2010, and I think they’re still just as adorable on Hugo as they were on Elliot when I first made them.
Just for kicks, here’s Elliot wearing them when he was just a bit older than Hugo is now. Slight family resemblance. I’ve been keeping Hugo’s hair shorter because I’m afraid if I don’t, I won’t be able to tell them apart in photos someday. Hugo keeps pointing at old pictures of Elliot and saying “Dat’s Hugo!”
I don’t think I ever posted these on the blog when I first made them. I looked and didn’t find anything, though that doesn’t mean much. This blog is now so old that even I don’t remember everything I posted on it anymore. Well. On that note, time for bed!