Rose Pants Tester Roundup, vol. 1
We launched our newest pattern, Rose, last week, so I wanted to share some great tester versions of Rose with you. One of the things I think is so valuable about sharing tester photos is that it's helpful to see the pattern sewn up in a variety of different fabrics, on a variety of different people.
Testing a new pattern usually takes us about a month, and is absolutely essential to fine-tuning the fit and making a pattern better. We look for trends from our testers and use their feedback both to adjust the pattern pieces, and improve the instructions. For Rose, we had about 20 testers, so we'll share pics in two posts since there are so many!
Jacqui stands in the center of the photos, wearing her navy Rose pants and Ursa sweater. She looks down at the floor.
Jacqui @jacquelinecieslak made her Rose Pants out of Brussels Washer Linen, and paired them her very own just-launched sweater design, Ursa. We *love* this combo!! You can find Ursa, which features bust darts and a gorgeous brioche detail, in Jaqui's Ravelry shop, along with Ursa Minor, which is designed without brioche for beginner knitters.
Leilani (below) made three pairs in quick succession. Check out all of her posts here, here, and here. I really like how the reddish-pink pair goes so well with her handmade pink Adrienne blouse (those sleeves!), but all of her handmade outfits are stunning.
Mary takes her cotton gauze Rose Pants on a beach vacation and to the market. The gauze fabric makes them extra comfy!
My friend Meg made this amazing pair with a navy blue linen-viscose slub.
Meg just left on a trip to Scandinavia and packed 10 pieces of clothing for 10 days and guess what? Her Rose pants made the cut! Pretty high praise!
Kim's grey cotton pair looks like it's going to be super versatile!
Stephanie went all dancing queen in her tester pair. She had a little fun with a pocket contrast too!
Sierra's two pairs show off how versatile this pattern is. She took the soft and cozy viscose twill pair to the beach, and wears the cotton twill pair to work!
And I love how Sierra styled the navy ones with a boxy cropped top -- what a great outfit combo.
Andrea tested Rose in a gorgeous navy linen. Those pleats look extra sharp in linen, I think!
Allison posted about her process and listed all the ways she made these pants fit her so beautifully in this post: @alleedew_sews.
Katte's (@kattegeneta) cropped purple pants are absolutely beautiful. These will be great for spring and summer weather!